
Translating a complex biochemistry pattern into a straightforward message for the patient

The Perio Link video is an engaging and innovative tool created by Sunstar and was designed to support professionals in translating the highly complex biochemistry pattern around the link between periodontal disease and diabetes, into a straightforward message for the patient.

Through virtual reality glasses, people can experience how bacteria in our mouths - the bacteria that can cause gum inflammation such as gingivitis and periodontitis - make their way into the bloodstream. Bacteria stimulate the reaction of the cells in our immune system, triggering a cascade of events that ultimately increase insulin resistance. This, in turn, impacts the glycemic control, exacerbates the risk of developing complications of diabetes and can contribute to ending up in prediabetes stage.

The Perio Link video is an engaging and innovative tool created by Sunstar and was designed to support professionals in translating the highly complex biochemistry pattern around the link between periodontal disease and diabetes, into a straightforward message for the patient.

The Sunstar team firmly believes that empowering people with knowledge is the key to success against this terrible disease. The end of the film clearly states the oral care routine to be embraced:

Brush your teeth twice a day, clean regularly in between your teeth with a floss or an interdental brush and finish off with a mouth rinse. Visit your dentist twice a year, for a thorough professional cleaning. Start now. It's a worthy cause!